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Selectmen Minutes 11/03/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
November 3, 2009

Members present:  Stephen MacCleery, Jeffrey Jordan, and Richard DeBold
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Barbara Frangione, Richard Holloran, Gil Vien, Lucille Noel, Walter Sanborn, Alan Mayville, Jim Plunkett, Michele Plunkett, John Dever, Pat Clarke, John Martell, Thomas Houle, Bruce Dyke, Ewen MacKinnon, Wayne Mann, and Amy Oulette

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

Department Heads:

Police:  Chief Clarke spoke to the owner of the business where the log trucks have been coming from (Cross Road).  The owner was not happy that the road was posted after he moved in.  Chief Clarke advised him to speak with the Selectmen.  
Chief Clarke advised that the County Attorney fees are going up significantly.  
The open house for the PD will be November 11th from 3-6pm; followed by an appreciation dinner for the volunteers.  Chief Clarke will provide a list of volunteers to Nancy for thank you letters.

Highway:  The tree limb on Main Street has been taken care of.  The department is working on right of way clearing.  The Depot Street Bridge should be complete by weeks end.   Mr. Plunkett was approached by a logger who is going to be using one of our E-2 bridges.  These bridges are rated for 80,000 pounds.   Mr. Plunkett informed the board that the bridge could be evaluated for a larger load.  Mr. Mayville thinks the maximum in any case would only be 99,000 pounds.  Mr. MacCleery is not in favor of allowing more that the state rating.  
There is a dead standing tree at the Library that will be taken down.  
Mr. Plunkett has received no additional bids on the guardrails.   
Discussion took place regarding a driveway complaint on Connemara Drive.  Mr. DeBold states that he did note a second driveway on the property in question.  Nancy will do research.  

Building Inspector:  Mr. Dever issued a stop work order to Atlantic Traders for the installation of lights without the proper permits.  Mr. Dever advised the Atlantic Traders to contact the Planning Board.

Fire Department:  Chief Vien reports we have a new Paramedic.  There will now be two Paramedics in town.  

Library:  Ms. Noel reports the Library has been busy.  They are thinking about continuing the book sales through winter.   

Agricultural Commission:  Mr. Wayne Mann, member of the Canterbury Agricultural Commission, was present to answer questions regarding the duties and formation of an Agricultural Commission.  Mr. Mann provided the Board with some background information.  Mr. MacCleery asked about restrictions and Mr. Mann reported that the commission is advisory only.  One of the goals of an agricultural commission is to advocate sustainable agriculture and to define what agriculture is.  They also provide the public with education such as school programs. The Selectmen are in agreement to look into the formation of a commission.  They also agree that a public forum is a good idea.  

Other Business

Cable Committee:  Bruce Dyke reports that the Cable Committee is not happy with the response from Comcast.  Comcast did not address a number of items outlined by the committee.  Mr. Dyke will be setting up a meeting with Comcast and requested the Selectmen to be at the meeting.  Mr. Dyke provided the Selectmen with a draft letter to Comcast.  Mr. DeBold will finalize the letter from the Selectmen.  

Christmas tree at the Park:  Mr. MacCleery had a request to have a live Christmas tree planted at the park.  The Selectmen are in agreement with the request.  If a cut Christmas tree is needed Ms. Frangione can donate one.  

Lane Road:  The Selectmen received a petition to designate Lane Road as a scenic road.  

Zoning: An inquiry was made as to the lighting situation at Chucksters.  Nancy will contact Chucksters for confirmation of the installation of light shields.  
Mr. DeBold met with the Weathervane.  The restaurant will be ordering light shields and they will have their electrician install them.  Mr. DeBold feels that this will rectify the situation.
Mr. DeBold reports that Pattens have complied with their requests.  Nancy will send them a letter.
Nancy will send a letter to the Car Farm regarding their signage.  

Unpaid Fire Bill:   Teresa Brown, who despite several attempts to collect an unpaid fire bill, still has not contacted the Town.  Nancy will obtain a property lien for the amount of the bill.  

Temporary Housing:  The Selectmen received correspondence from the Building Inspector regarding the use of temporary housing.  The Selectmen would like Mr. Dever to address one of the items.

Grounds Keeping Bids:  The Selectmen received three bids for 2010 grounds keeping.  Lawnguys $4,650; BMC General Contracts $4,750; Saint Lawn Care $4,770.  No decision was made.  Nancy will call references.

IT Bids:   The Selectmen received three bids for IT support.  Dodge Computer Services $60/hour; Key Data Group $60/hour; Abbott Business Networks $6,931.20/year.   Discussion took place as to whether the departments were happy with our current vendor.  All were pleased.  
Mr. MacCleery made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to award the 2010 contract to Dodge Computer Services at $60 per hour.  Motion Carried.

General Blake’s House:  Mr. Jordan asked if the Board was in favor of bringing the possible purchase of General Blake’s house to the conservation commission.  Mr. DeBold and Mr. MacCleery are in favor of looking into it.  Ms. Noel would like to see the property used by a business that would restore the house and keep its antique characteristics.  

Tax Bills:   The Selectmen signed the warrant. The tax rate was set at $19.51.  The tax bills will be mailed tomorrow.    

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 9:15pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
Stephen MacCleery, Sr., Chairman        Jeffrey Jordan                          Richard DeBold